Sunday, April 17, 2011

There are others who NEED HELP!

Everybody in the world needs help, but these are my top ten choices.
  1. Sudan & Its Rights by Jalimar
    • It is really tragic what people are facing in this country. Everybody deserves to be free before anything else. I liked how the article makes you really connect with how the author feels and how the people must feel. It is a country that we do not know much about and knowing all they face they need all the help and support, becausefreedom is free and everyone deserves it.
  2. Welcome to Somalia by Paola
    • I t si true that nobody might really know who Somalia actually is. Since we do not know who they actuallyare we do  not really know their problems and knowing tham they really need our help. If we do not start taking this country into consideration and offer help who else will.
  3. The Haiti in Me by Ian
    • Haiti has always faced major problems and they are bigger, becaquse of the earthquake. They are so close to us and they aren't being helped as much, so we must help them, because not only are they in need, but they are our neighbours.
  4. Forever Tunisia by Adriana
    • Everyone deserves a just goverment and that is just not what this people are getting. We all have a right to be treated fairly and we must take the first step and help.
  5. Wilson's metal blog by Wilson
    • People have a right to chose their leaders and that is the proposal given here. I like how he explains what is needed and for what to improve education and have a better country.
  6. Giovanni's Human Rights Blog by Giovanni
    • Cuba has been under a dictatorship for so many years and it must have  a chance to test democracy and to choose its leaders. We have to  offer help, because sometimes you just can not do this alone.
  7. Bangladesh...Life.Freedom.Rights! by Geordaliz
    • Women should not be treated unequal. Nobody should have their rights taken and not let express themselves. We have to help to bring equality to all especially to women who are being oppressed.
  8. "Action Expresses Priorities" by Shariemar
    • Women are being oppressed, because a lack of education. I like how the solution is being presented and how education is key to theimprovement of a society. We must the women here to learn how to better themselves.
  9. Loving Our Rights by Valeria
    • No who you are there has to be equality. No matter your reca, religion, or sexual preference you should not be discriminated, because of it since none of that affects the kind of pperson you are. Eduacation is a right that we all must have. We must help in the education, because learning is key to improve a society.
  10. Bits of Knowledge on Mexico by Angelica
    • Mexico is struggling with poverty like many parts ofthe world that can lead to bigger problems. This country has to have help, because if they can change the goverment and steer them in a wayb that can follow the human rights without using any type  of violence we are taking a step fowrd to a better society.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Let us have a better tomorrow

      My country, Indonesia, is facing abuse by its military and by people who are mistreating others, discriminating, cutting people‘s freedom of speech, and abusing young girls. I want a better tomorrow for my country and I know that the people want to see a positive change. We all have the goal of being free, but we can not do it alone. We need help from our fellow nations to reach our goal, because we all are apart of this planet we call Earth. All of us are called by her to love her, love each other, and live in harmony with her and ourselves. To be able to reach the harmony that mother Earth calls for, we must be in peace within each of us and within our countries. That is why I am asking my fellow human beings to help Indonesia reach harmony and be a step closer to a peaceful and prosper future.

Look at the following pictures and meditate on what you are seeing...

 You Tube video of military abuse. Parental Discretion. Watch Video.
      You are seeing a country that faces violence and abuse from its military. The military, who is supposed to offer protection and make you feel safe. You are seeing children, young girls being abused and tortured. You are seeing poverty and discrimination. This is not what I want to continue throughout the future of my country.
      We need equality. We need freedom. We need safety. A need is not the only thing that will cause a change, but a plan to set things in motion to make these changes happen.
      I have a plan to better my country, but I will need the political and military support of my fellow nations.
      A way to improve the military violations is to request to the United Nation to send professional teams to teach leaders of Armed Forces how to maintain control of the troops and how not to violate human rights in any issue.
      To stop discrimination the government must make it illegal for people to discriminate against someone‘s religion, sex or any other type of discrimination. They must make a law and enforce it to stop people from discriminating. Indonesia needs political assistance from other countries, because they must back up the law and support it.
      People have the right to speak. To stop the persecution of those who are speaking freely, government officials from around the world and news reporters must come to talk with the government to let them see that speaking is a right deserved by all. These people will be ambassadors for free speech and will be there to defend those who are trying to speak and are unfairly prosecuted.
      The abuse of young girls is wrong and to stop this we need the influence of countries to change the minds of the people. Laws have to be passed to protect these minors that are being abused. The laws should not only protect the young girls, but punish those who have done wrong to them so they may learn and serve as an example to others.
      These are my proposed solutions to better my country. I hope that my country takes a part  in your heart that makes you want to help, because it is greatly needed for a better future for these Indonesian citizens.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Unjust Violations

      Indonesia has tried to abide by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but nothing is perfect and this country is not the exception and it has violated some Human Rights.
       This country has violated articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 13, 18, 19, and 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The rights that the country has violated deals with the military unfairly beating civilians, people not letting other practice their religion such as obstructing people to attend their religious ceremonies. There have also been freedom of speech violations and sex discrimination.  When looking into the labor conditions, child domestic workers (young girls) can not leave the house where they work and are physically, mentally, and sexually abused by their employers.
       This may not be your country, but you must care, because this can happen to you. You must not only help others, but help yourself. The first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Right States: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and with rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” These violations are cruel, because they are cutting away people’s life and freedom. People are not living, but being tortured and kept away from what they truly are and want to be.
To know more about human right violations go here, check here, and here.

Here are the articles mentioned before hand that were violated in Indonesia:

Article 1.  All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2.  Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Article 3.  Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.

Article 5.  No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.  

Article 13.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

Article 18.  Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19.  Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 23.
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Indonesia's History of Yesterday and Today

Dutch were the first to settle in Indonesia in 1602 and they maintained their rule for 300 years. Later, the Dutch were replaced by Japanese. In the year 1945 Indonesia became independent after protest and much demand. Soekarno was one of the protestors who later on became the Republic of Indonesia’s first president.
Indonesia as being independent created a new constitution and had a parliamentary government. Soekarno and the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) had much control over many organizations and wanted to established “Fifth Column” that the army was against. People from the PKI kidnapped and murdered 6 senior generals. The Army Commander of Strategic Reserve, Major General Suharto, made an army to take back control. Great deals of violence erupt ending with thousands of deaths. This outbreak created political instability and fear between the people and even though Soekarno tried to recreate balance by March 1966 he gave his power to Major General Suharto.
Suharto started a economic rehabilitation controlled in large part by the military.  Indonesia faces great economical problems and after being president for 5 years Suharto is asked to resign and he does on May 21, 1998. When Suharto resigns his vice president B.J. Habibie becomes president.
During Habibie’s rule in 1999, East Timor was allowed to vote if it wanted to remain part of Indonesia or not and they decided not. This decision made the Indonesian army to kill many people in violent ways after the decision of pro-independence surged.
The first election after Suharto were made and Abdurrahman Wahid was chosen as president, but in 2001 he was changed with Megawati Sukarnoputri in July 2001, because he was blamed for being corrupt.
In 2002 the government tries to sign a peace treaty with separatist in Geneva, but in 2003 it is broken and the government starts to develop its military.
On July 5, 2004 the first direct presidential elections were held were having now as President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Yudhoyono is now still the current president.
Current Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
In 2004 there is a tsunami and an earthquake that kills more than 220,000 people. Two years later there is another massive earthquake and a tsunami that hits Java killing more than 500 people.
The former president Major General Suharto dies in 2008. In that same year East Timorese accuses Indonesia to violation of human rights when it came to their independence in 1999, but it was never actually given by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
In 2009, Yudhoyono is re-elected and the police shoot a most wanted man accused of being responsible of attacks through the country.
In 2010 a video leaks of men torturing others and it is confirmed that the ones doing the torturing are from the military.
Since 2002 through 2008 there have been visible terrorist bombings throughout the country.
 Recently on February 2011 two churches were burnt down during a Muslim protest.
         Indonesia has a slow progressing health even though they a Seventh Five year plan. Indonesia is greatly affected by STD, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. Pregnant women die at huge rate due to poor health care and having no one actually trained to deliver the babies.
To see a time line with more events go here , but if you want to read more detailed information about what happen click here To know about the health check here.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Art, Dance, Food, Culture, Tradition!!!

        A very important food group that is eaten at any time of the day is rice. Rice is accompanied by different side dishes like: chicken, fish, eggs, and vegetables. Though rice is a big food group in parts of the country like Sulawesi and West Timor they use them for ceremonies.
To know more CLICK HERE or HERE

        Balinese and Javanese are traditional dances that are said to have started in the Borobudur Temple.
        Balinese is a dance that is connected to religion. Shorter versions that do not deal with religious occasions have been created from the original dance.
Types of dances:
  • Tari Payembrama
o     Balinese welcome dance. This dance welcomes visitors to pay tribute with a shower of flower petals.
  • Oleg Tambulilingan
o     Balinese dance that provokes love between two bumblebees.
  • Taruna Jaya
o     This Balinese dance portrays a young man who is proud and sure of himself during the best moments of his life. It shows how the man switches moods throughout his life.
  • Tari Belibis
o     This is a new Balinese dance that is about young ducks with their mothers moving in the pond in the search for food.

  • Wira Pertiwi
o     This dance is inspired by Balinese and Javanese emotion and gestures. This dance is about a women warrior and an arrow.
  • Jaipongan
o     This is a dance created by the working class that incorporates martial arts movements with music being influenced by Arabs. The dance was originally done in wedding ceremonies, but now it is done in different occasions. The dance consists of a women dancing and then asking others that are around to join in.
To know more click HERE

· Independence Day
o     This holiday is celebrated August 17 and it is celebrated with a huge parade.
· Kartini Day
o     This holiday is celebrated April 21st. In this day the emancipation of women and is celebrated by the activities in schools and work places.

Cultural Norms
·       You are always expected to use your right hand to give or receive a present. Using your left hand is considered dirty.
·       When you enter a house you must take of your shoes.
·       Displaying anger is considered rude and offensive, because they try to live in harmony and believe that fights should be handled in private to not lose any dignity.
·       Burping is considered as a good sign that you have enjoyed the food and it is not considered rude.
·       It is wrong for people of the same sex to hold hands beyond a handshake if they are not related.
·       It is natural to see Indonesians squatting at the side of roads, because it is comfortable and are taught to do so as children.
To know more about norms go here
What is considered polite…
·       when meeting
o     When you are meeting someone it is done in a form of respect. You introduce yourself to someone by shaking their hand and saying “Selamat”. After the handshaking you bow or place your hand on your heart. It is custom that when being introduced to a group of people you start by introducing yourself from the eldest to the youngest. Titles are very important in Indonesia, so if you know someone’s title you must make sure to say it when mentioning their name.
·       when giving gifts
o     When you are giving a gift it depends on who the person is.
§       If the person is Chinese you must refuse the present before receiving it to express humility. You should also elaborate the gift wrapping.
§        If you are to give a gift to a Muslim you must make sure that it is not any thing with alcohol unless you are sure they will appreciate it. You must give presents using the right hand only. 
§       If you are giving a gift to an ethnic Indian you must hand the gift with the right hand. You must wrap the present in red, yellow, or green which are colors of good luck. Do not give any leather products to Hindu.
All these people may have different etiquette for gift giving, but they do agree in one major thing which is that you must not open the gift at the exact time when it is being given.
·       when dinning
o     When you are about to eat your behavior depends on the environment you are exposed to, but they are basic guidelines.
§       Wait to be taken to your seat.
§       Men are served before women in formal situations.
§       You must pass a dish with your right hand.
§       You must wait to be invited to eat before you actually start eating.
·       when in business
o     Business Cards
§       When it comes to business cards you receive it after you have been greeted. Business cards contain your name and title to increase your credibility. You must treat your business cards with respect. When you are giving and accepting your business card you must accept it with either both of your hands or the right hand.
o     Women
§       Women are required to cover themselves from their necks to their ankles and avoid any type of tight clothing.
o     Business Meetings
§       You enter a business by ranking. During the first business meeting what you mostly do is get to know each other than actually discuss any business, because Indonesians believe that money is not the answer, but patience and good communication. When doing business you must have great patience, because Indonesians like to take time to completely assess the situation. When negotiating you must not use any pressure tactics, because these people do not work well with it and may cause conflict.
For more Etiqutte information.
·       Balinese Painting
o     These paintings are very famous and first came to flourish in the 13th century. The paintings consist of two-dimensional drawings of puppets in earth tone dyes that in canvas or bark.
·       Sculpture
o     Sculptures are mostly made of stone and are of relics that are put outside Buddhist and Hindu temples.
·       Wood Carvings
o     Wood Carving is a very common. Animals and people are carved and wood carving is greatly used in the furniture industry.
·       Indonesian Textiles
o     Indonesian textiles are now getting to be known around the world. The cloths are used in royal courtrooms and by women in their clothing.
·        Puppets
o     Puppets were greatly used back in the day and considered great out, but now are left for tourists.
To know more about art check Here and Here.
           Indonesian gamelan music consists of a series of instruments such as: metal ingots, pots, gongs, and drums. This music has greatly come to influence Western singers like Debussy.
         Kroncong is a specific type of Java music that consists of a plucked string instrument, a flute, and female singer. The female singer may sing about love, want, and sadness.
To get more information about the Music.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Indonesia 411:

·        Capitol
o       Jakarta
·        National Anthem
o       “Indonesia Raya”

·        Location
o       Archipelago between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean in Southeastern Asia.
·        Geography
o       Area: a total of 1,904,569 sq km
o       Borders: Timor-Leste, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea
·        Climate
o       Tropical, Hot, and Humid
·        Natural Resources
o       Petroleum
o       Tin
o       Natural gas
o       Nickel
o       Timber
o       Bauxite
o       Copper
o       Fertile Soils
o       Coal
o       Gold
o       Silver
·        Population (as of July 2010)
o       consist of 245,613,043
·        Birth Rates (2010)
o       18 births for every 1,000 citizens
·        Death Rates (a s of July 2010)
o       6 deaths for every 1,000 citizens
·        Life Expectancy (as of July of 2010)
o       Male: 69 years old
o       Female: 74 years old
·        Unemployment Rate
o       7.1% of the population
·        Ethnic Groups (census of 2000)
o       Javanese 40.6%,
o       Sundanese 15%,
o       Madurese 3.3%,
o       Minangkabau 2.7%,
o       Betawi 2.4%,
o       Bugis 2.4%,
o       Banten 2%,
o       Banjar 1.7%,
o       Other  29.9%
·        Languages
o       Bahasa Indonesia
o       English
o       Dutch,
o       Local Dialects
·        Religions  (census of 2000)
o       Muslim 86.1%
o       Protestant 5.7%
o       Roman Catholic 3%
o       Hindu 1.8% 
o       Other 3.4% 
·        Current Government
o      Presidential Representative Democratic Republic
·        Type of political state
o        The costs of basic food groups has become to high and people are starting to preform violent protests against Chinese, because they control the economy.
o       Women are being abused.

o       The president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been in charge since October 24, 2004 and now is being blamed for corruption.

·        Education
o       It is obligated to attend school until 9 years.
o       94% enroll in primary school.
·        Literacy Rates (2004)
o       In total population: 90.4%      
·        Legal System
o       Based on the Roman-Dutch and Islamic law.
·        Suffrage (Rights to vote)
o       17 years old
o       Universal and married people of any age
·        Population Below Poverty Line
o       13.33% (2010)
·        Industries
o       Petroleum
o       Natural gas
o       Textiles
o       Apparel
o       Footwear
o       Mining
o       Cement
o       Chemical fertilizers
o       Plywood
o       Rubber
o       Food
o       Tourism
·        Communications
o       Telephones (2009)
§        Main lines:  33.958 million
§        Mobile lines: 159.248 million
o       Internet
§        Host: 1.269 million (2010)
§        Users: 20 million (2009)
·        Military Service
o       Army, Air Force and Navy
o       Citizens are required 2 years of obligated service
o       Eligible age of participation ranges from 16 to 49 years old.
·        Transnational Issues
o       International Disputes
§        Unresolved maritime boundaries with Timor-Leste, and Singapore.
o       Refugees (2007)
§        200,000-350,000 refugees and expelled people from Aceh, Central Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi Provinces, and Maluku.
o       Illegal drugs
§        Production of illegal substances like methamphetamine and ecstasy.