Thursday, April 7, 2011

Art, Dance, Food, Culture, Tradition!!!

        A very important food group that is eaten at any time of the day is rice. Rice is accompanied by different side dishes like: chicken, fish, eggs, and vegetables. Though rice is a big food group in parts of the country like Sulawesi and West Timor they use them for ceremonies.
To know more CLICK HERE or HERE

        Balinese and Javanese are traditional dances that are said to have started in the Borobudur Temple.
        Balinese is a dance that is connected to religion. Shorter versions that do not deal with religious occasions have been created from the original dance.
Types of dances:
  • Tari Payembrama
o     Balinese welcome dance. This dance welcomes visitors to pay tribute with a shower of flower petals.
  • Oleg Tambulilingan
o     Balinese dance that provokes love between two bumblebees.
  • Taruna Jaya
o     This Balinese dance portrays a young man who is proud and sure of himself during the best moments of his life. It shows how the man switches moods throughout his life.
  • Tari Belibis
o     This is a new Balinese dance that is about young ducks with their mothers moving in the pond in the search for food.

  • Wira Pertiwi
o     This dance is inspired by Balinese and Javanese emotion and gestures. This dance is about a women warrior and an arrow.
  • Jaipongan
o     This is a dance created by the working class that incorporates martial arts movements with music being influenced by Arabs. The dance was originally done in wedding ceremonies, but now it is done in different occasions. The dance consists of a women dancing and then asking others that are around to join in.
To know more click HERE

· Independence Day
o     This holiday is celebrated August 17 and it is celebrated with a huge parade.
· Kartini Day
o     This holiday is celebrated April 21st. In this day the emancipation of women and is celebrated by the activities in schools and work places.

Cultural Norms
·       You are always expected to use your right hand to give or receive a present. Using your left hand is considered dirty.
·       When you enter a house you must take of your shoes.
·       Displaying anger is considered rude and offensive, because they try to live in harmony and believe that fights should be handled in private to not lose any dignity.
·       Burping is considered as a good sign that you have enjoyed the food and it is not considered rude.
·       It is wrong for people of the same sex to hold hands beyond a handshake if they are not related.
·       It is natural to see Indonesians squatting at the side of roads, because it is comfortable and are taught to do so as children.
To know more about norms go here
What is considered polite…
·       when meeting
o     When you are meeting someone it is done in a form of respect. You introduce yourself to someone by shaking their hand and saying “Selamat”. After the handshaking you bow or place your hand on your heart. It is custom that when being introduced to a group of people you start by introducing yourself from the eldest to the youngest. Titles are very important in Indonesia, so if you know someone’s title you must make sure to say it when mentioning their name.
·       when giving gifts
o     When you are giving a gift it depends on who the person is.
§       If the person is Chinese you must refuse the present before receiving it to express humility. You should also elaborate the gift wrapping.
§        If you are to give a gift to a Muslim you must make sure that it is not any thing with alcohol unless you are sure they will appreciate it. You must give presents using the right hand only. 
§       If you are giving a gift to an ethnic Indian you must hand the gift with the right hand. You must wrap the present in red, yellow, or green which are colors of good luck. Do not give any leather products to Hindu.
All these people may have different etiquette for gift giving, but they do agree in one major thing which is that you must not open the gift at the exact time when it is being given.
·       when dinning
o     When you are about to eat your behavior depends on the environment you are exposed to, but they are basic guidelines.
§       Wait to be taken to your seat.
§       Men are served before women in formal situations.
§       You must pass a dish with your right hand.
§       You must wait to be invited to eat before you actually start eating.
·       when in business
o     Business Cards
§       When it comes to business cards you receive it after you have been greeted. Business cards contain your name and title to increase your credibility. You must treat your business cards with respect. When you are giving and accepting your business card you must accept it with either both of your hands or the right hand.
o     Women
§       Women are required to cover themselves from their necks to their ankles and avoid any type of tight clothing.
o     Business Meetings
§       You enter a business by ranking. During the first business meeting what you mostly do is get to know each other than actually discuss any business, because Indonesians believe that money is not the answer, but patience and good communication. When doing business you must have great patience, because Indonesians like to take time to completely assess the situation. When negotiating you must not use any pressure tactics, because these people do not work well with it and may cause conflict.
For more Etiqutte information.
·       Balinese Painting
o     These paintings are very famous and first came to flourish in the 13th century. The paintings consist of two-dimensional drawings of puppets in earth tone dyes that in canvas or bark.
·       Sculpture
o     Sculptures are mostly made of stone and are of relics that are put outside Buddhist and Hindu temples.
·       Wood Carvings
o     Wood Carving is a very common. Animals and people are carved and wood carving is greatly used in the furniture industry.
·       Indonesian Textiles
o     Indonesian textiles are now getting to be known around the world. The cloths are used in royal courtrooms and by women in their clothing.
·        Puppets
o     Puppets were greatly used back in the day and considered great out, but now are left for tourists.
To know more about art check Here and Here.
           Indonesian gamelan music consists of a series of instruments such as: metal ingots, pots, gongs, and drums. This music has greatly come to influence Western singers like Debussy.
         Kroncong is a specific type of Java music that consists of a plucked string instrument, a flute, and female singer. The female singer may sing about love, want, and sadness.
To get more information about the Music.


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