Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Indonesia 411:

·        Capitol
o       Jakarta
·        National Anthem
o       “Indonesia Raya”

·        Location
o       Archipelago between the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean in Southeastern Asia.
·        Geography
o       Area: a total of 1,904,569 sq km
o       Borders: Timor-Leste, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea
·        Climate
o       Tropical, Hot, and Humid
·        Natural Resources
o       Petroleum
o       Tin
o       Natural gas
o       Nickel
o       Timber
o       Bauxite
o       Copper
o       Fertile Soils
o       Coal
o       Gold
o       Silver
·        Population (as of July 2010)
o       consist of 245,613,043
·        Birth Rates (2010)
o       18 births for every 1,000 citizens
·        Death Rates (a s of July 2010)
o       6 deaths for every 1,000 citizens
·        Life Expectancy (as of July of 2010)
o       Male: 69 years old
o       Female: 74 years old
·        Unemployment Rate
o       7.1% of the population
·        Ethnic Groups (census of 2000)
o       Javanese 40.6%,
o       Sundanese 15%,
o       Madurese 3.3%,
o       Minangkabau 2.7%,
o       Betawi 2.4%,
o       Bugis 2.4%,
o       Banten 2%,
o       Banjar 1.7%,
o       Other  29.9%
·        Languages
o       Bahasa Indonesia
o       English
o       Dutch,
o       Local Dialects
·        Religions  (census of 2000)
o       Muslim 86.1%
o       Protestant 5.7%
o       Roman Catholic 3%
o       Hindu 1.8% 
o       Other 3.4% 
·        Current Government
o      Presidential Representative Democratic Republic
·        Type of political state
o        The costs of basic food groups has become to high and people are starting to preform violent protests against Chinese, because they control the economy.
o       Women are being abused.

o       The president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been in charge since October 24, 2004 and now is being blamed for corruption.

·        Education
o       It is obligated to attend school until 9 years.
o       94% enroll in primary school.
·        Literacy Rates (2004)
o       In total population: 90.4%      
·        Legal System
o       Based on the Roman-Dutch and Islamic law.
·        Suffrage (Rights to vote)
o       17 years old
o       Universal and married people of any age
·        Population Below Poverty Line
o       13.33% (2010)
·        Industries
o       Petroleum
o       Natural gas
o       Textiles
o       Apparel
o       Footwear
o       Mining
o       Cement
o       Chemical fertilizers
o       Plywood
o       Rubber
o       Food
o       Tourism
·        Communications
o       Telephones (2009)
§        Main lines:  33.958 million
§        Mobile lines: 159.248 million
o       Internet
§        Host: 1.269 million (2010)
§        Users: 20 million (2009)
·        Military Service
o       Army, Air Force and Navy
o       Citizens are required 2 years of obligated service
o       Eligible age of participation ranges from 16 to 49 years old.
·        Transnational Issues
o       International Disputes
§        Unresolved maritime boundaries with Timor-Leste, and Singapore.
o       Refugees (2007)
§        200,000-350,000 refugees and expelled people from Aceh, Central Kalimantan, Central Sulawesi Provinces, and Maluku.
o       Illegal drugs
§        Production of illegal substances like methamphetamine and ecstasy.

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