Sunday, April 17, 2011

There are others who NEED HELP!

Everybody in the world needs help, but these are my top ten choices.
  1. Sudan & Its Rights by Jalimar
    • It is really tragic what people are facing in this country. Everybody deserves to be free before anything else. I liked how the article makes you really connect with how the author feels and how the people must feel. It is a country that we do not know much about and knowing all they face they need all the help and support, becausefreedom is free and everyone deserves it.
  2. Welcome to Somalia by Paola
    • I t si true that nobody might really know who Somalia actually is. Since we do not know who they actuallyare we do  not really know their problems and knowing tham they really need our help. If we do not start taking this country into consideration and offer help who else will.
  3. The Haiti in Me by Ian
    • Haiti has always faced major problems and they are bigger, becaquse of the earthquake. They are so close to us and they aren't being helped as much, so we must help them, because not only are they in need, but they are our neighbours.
  4. Forever Tunisia by Adriana
    • Everyone deserves a just goverment and that is just not what this people are getting. We all have a right to be treated fairly and we must take the first step and help.
  5. Wilson's metal blog by Wilson
    • People have a right to chose their leaders and that is the proposal given here. I like how he explains what is needed and for what to improve education and have a better country.
  6. Giovanni's Human Rights Blog by Giovanni
    • Cuba has been under a dictatorship for so many years and it must have  a chance to test democracy and to choose its leaders. We have to  offer help, because sometimes you just can not do this alone.
  7. Bangladesh...Life.Freedom.Rights! by Geordaliz
    • Women should not be treated unequal. Nobody should have their rights taken and not let express themselves. We have to help to bring equality to all especially to women who are being oppressed.
  8. "Action Expresses Priorities" by Shariemar
    • Women are being oppressed, because a lack of education. I like how the solution is being presented and how education is key to theimprovement of a society. We must the women here to learn how to better themselves.
  9. Loving Our Rights by Valeria
    • No who you are there has to be equality. No matter your reca, religion, or sexual preference you should not be discriminated, because of it since none of that affects the kind of pperson you are. Eduacation is a right that we all must have. We must help in the education, because learning is key to improve a society.
  10. Bits of Knowledge on Mexico by Angelica
    • Mexico is struggling with poverty like many parts ofthe world that can lead to bigger problems. This country has to have help, because if they can change the goverment and steer them in a wayb that can follow the human rights without using any type  of violence we are taking a step fowrd to a better society.

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